
mg冰球突破豪华版试玩网站通过扩大其目标行业,创造了一个有利于商业的环境, 对目标行业使用快速通道许可, 具有竞争力的房地产和个人财产税率, 激进的税收折旧计划, 以及独特的本地融资机会. 这些, 与弗吉尼亚联邦提供的商业激励措施相结合, make Prince William County a strong competitor for new business in both national and international markets. 点击这里查看mg冰球突破豪华版试玩网站和弗吉尼亚联邦提供的激励措施摘要. Please call one of our Business Development Managers to learn more if your business qualifies for any of the state and local incentives lists below.




的 Prince William County Board of Supervisors maintains an opportunity fund to help attract and retain targeted industries. 的 Board of County Supervisors may authorize the use of these funds upon the recommendation of the Department of Economic Development. 资金可用于改善基础设施, 现场准备, 员工服务, 和/或资本设备采购. 需要一份履约协议.


Prince William County offers expedited permitting and site permitting fee reduction for targeted industries. 的 expedited permitting reduces County plan review time by 50% and provides a Project Manager in the County Development Services Department who resolves conflicts and ensures quick review.


的 County owns approximately 130 acres in Innovation Park which is available for sale to technology and life science companies, 公司总部, 政府承包商, 先进制造业. 的 land is sold at market rates and the County can reinvest the proceeds of the sale into the project for public infrastructure and site improvements.


通过水和下水道费用抵免, Prince William County can reduce the one-time fees and capacity charges for new connections to the Prince William County Service Authority’s water and sewer lines. 这些 credits are most useful for large water/sewer users in the life sciences 先进制造业 sectors. 需要一份履约协议.


除了对商业财产征收极具竞争力的税率, mg冰球突破豪华版试玩网站提供积极的折旧时间表的商业财产. 一般, business property (except for programmable computer equipment and peripherals) is assessed at 85% of its original cost in the year acquired. 此后,这一比例每年以10%的速度递减. 计算机设备折旧进度表如下:

  • 第一年:原成本的50%
  • 第2年:原成本的35%
  • 第三年:原成本的20%
  • 第四年:原成本的10%
  • 第5年:原成本的5%

An Industrial Revenue Bond (IRB) is a financing tool created by the Commonwealth of Virginia to promote industry and develop trade by inducing 制造业, 工业, 政府, 非营利性的, and commercial enterprises to locate in or remain in Virginia through the issuance of bonds that are tax-exempt for federal income tax purposes and for Virginia income tax purposes. 这使得债券的利率通常低于传统融资.

  • 501 (c)(3)设施
  • 医疗设施
  • 若干废物处置设施
  • 高等教育设施
  • 多户住宅设施
  • 政府设施
  • 生产设备

mg冰球突破豪华版试玩网站有六个联邦政府指定的机会区. Private investments in these zones are eligible for preferential tax treatment under certain circumstances. 投资者可以通过投资于合格机会基金来推迟资本利得税, 谁在机会区投资项目.


威廉王子郡有3个HubZones, 95号州际公路上的两个, 另一个靠近66号州际公路. 美国.S. 小企业管理局(小企业管理局) designates “Historically Underutilized Business Zones” or “HUBZones” to incentivize the location and growth of small businesses in urban and rural communities. Such businesses gain preferential access to federal procurement opportunities by virtue of their location. “HUBZone”项目创建于1997年,由美国卫生和社会福利部负责管理.S.小企业管理局.

  • HUBZone的好处
    • 竞争性和独家来源承包
    • 在全面和公开合同竞争中有10%的价格评估优先权, 以及分包的机会.
    • 的 federal government has a goal of awarding 3 percent of all dollars for federal prime contracts to HUBZone-certified small business concerns.
  • HUBZone的资格
    • 一定要复习一下 HUBZone底漆 了解参加该项目的资格要求.
    • 企业(部落拥有的企业除外)必须符合以下标准:
      • It must be a small business by 小企业管理局S definition standards; Detailed criteria matched to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS);
      • 它必须由美国拥有和控制至少51%.S. 公民、社区发展公司、农业合作社或印第安部落;
      • 其主要办公室必须位于“历史上未充分利用的商业区”,” which includes lands considered “Indian Country” and military facilities closed by the Base Realignment and Closure Act; and
      • 至少35%的员工必须居住在HUBZone内.
      • 如果你符合条件, 点击这里 应用.



的 英联邦发展机会基金 is a discretionary financial incentive established to support projects that create new jobs and investments in accordance with certain criteria established by state legislation. 拨款给社区, 在公司达到特定的里程碑后,将这些信息传递给公司. 这些资金可用于土地购置和开发等方面, 劳动力培训, 交通访问, 公共或私人公用事业扩建或能力发展, 以及建造或扩建私人拥有的建筑.


VEDIG是一项可自由支配的现金赠款,旨在帮助和鼓励公司设立重要的总部, 行政, 或弗吉尼亚州的服务部门运营. VEDIG需要至少500万美元(或600万美元)的投资,每个工作岗位500美元),再加上根据工资水平在300-400个工作岗位之间的就业创造门槛.


VJIP is an economic development incentive that supports the creation of new jobs and investment in the Commonwealth by offsetting recruiting and training costs for new and expanding companies. 资格仅限于这些领域的合格公司的增长:公司总部, 配送中心, 信息技术, 制造业, 研究与开发, 共享服务中心. VJIP包括三个倡议:

  • 新就业计划(250人以上的公司):至少1美元,000,000 investment and 25 new positions that focus on expansions of existing companies or new facility locations.
  • 小企业新就业计划(250人以下的公司):至少100美元,000 investment and 5 new positions which are designed specifically for Virginia companies that have 250 employees or fewer company-wide.
  • 的 Retraining Program is limited to projects by for-profit companies in the 制造业 and distribution center sectors. 该项目提供服务和资金,帮助他们提高现有员工的技能.
    • Companies with 250 employees or less: Retraining 5 full-time employees and making a capital investment of at least $50,000
    • Companies with more than 250 employees: Retraining 10 full-time employees and making a capital investment of at least $500,000

SBJGF为每项工作提供现金补偿, 价格在500美元到2美元之间,000, 此外,还为新公司和成长型公司提供各种免费招聘和培训服务. 公司必须有50名或更少的员工,并分为以下部门:公司总部, 研究与发展, 或信息技术服务到企业, 举几个例子. Requirements include the creation of 5 new jobs within 24 months and making a capital investment of at least $50,000.

SBJGF还为正在升级招聘的弗吉尼亚公司提供支持 & 现有员工的选择技能.


主要商业设施工作税收抵免是1美元,000 corporate income tax credit per job over a 50 job threshold; the job threshold must be met within a 12-month period and taken in equal installments over a two-year period (i.e. 每项工作每年$500).


的 Commonwealth of Virginia offers six 对外贸易区 (FTZs) designed to encourage businesses to participate in international trade by effectively eliminating or reducing customs duties. 自由贸易区允许企业推迟支付美国关税.S. Customs duties on imported goods held within the zones until the goods enter the United States for domestic consumption. 如果货物再出口,则不缴纳关税. 企业可以在对外贸易区内无限期存放货物. 的y are also allowed to manufacture products within zones and pay duties at the duty rate of either the foreign parts used or on the finished product, 以对公司最有利的为准.

  • 为mg冰球突破豪华版试玩网站服务的自由贸易区是华盛顿杜勒斯自由贸易区137号. Foreign trade zone #137 consists of approximately 271 acres at Washington Dulles International Airport and the following expansion sites:
    • 华盛顿杜勒斯机场附近的胜利国际仓库
    • 在温彻斯特的科利尔工业园
    • A 90,000平方英尺的仓库在石墙工业园区在温彻斯特, 温彻斯特机场附近的物业
    • 赖特经营的地产——155英亩,划为轻工业和商业用地
    • 杜勒斯机场以西的Hazout扩建场地. 第137号保税区的受让人是华盛顿杜勒斯对外贸易区有限公司.
  • 联系人:Anita Kayser-703.572.8714
  • 如欲了解更多,请与经济发展局的成员联络. 我们很乐意帮助你.
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